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Our Vending Machines
We have several candy vending machines to choose. Any size machine can have any custom wrap.
We are open to suggestion but are glad to offer suggestions.
Each machine will have our exclusive ‘Candy Ads’ promoting other local businesses as will your business.

4 Canister Candy Machines. This machines turns for easy choice of candy.
This take a Quarter (.25cents)
The color is bright yellow as shown.
The machine has a low profile with a width of 11 inches by 11 inches.

8 Canister Candy Machine. Turns easily for more choices of candy.
Each candy takes a single Quarter (.25cents)
The color is bright yellow as shown.
Each candy is marked with a label with nutritional information.
The machine has a low profile with a width of 11 inches by 11 inches.

4 Canister Candy Machine. This has a nice wood grain wrap.
This take a Quarter (.25cents)
This has a nice wood grain wrap with a black lid.
Each candy is marked with a label with nutritional information.
The machine has a low profile with a width of 11 inches by 11 inches.

4 Canister Candy Machine. This has a diamond metal plate wrap.
This take a Quarter (.25cents)
This has a diamond metal plate wrap with a black lid.
Each candy is marked with a label with nutritional information.
The machine has a low profile with a width of 11 inches by 11 inches.

4 Canister Candy Machine.
This take a Quarter (.25cents)
This has a tie-dye wrap with a purple lid.
Each candy is marked with a label with nutritional information.
The machine has a low profile with a width of 11 inches by 11 inches.

8 Canister Candy Machine. Turns easily for more choices of candy.
Each candy takes a single Quarter (.25cents)
This has a bubble wrap as shown which works great for car washes or laundromats.
Each candy is marked with a label with nutritional information.
The machine has a low profile with a width of 11 inches by 11 inches

10 Machine Tower.
The bottom 6 are a single Quarter (.25cents) items.
The top 4 are .50cent items.
Each canister is labeled with nutritional information and any hazards.
Some of our Candy ‘Ad’ Machines in their location.

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